Wednesday 12 March 2014


Movie rumour just up
And wardrobe ready for shaadi???!!!!
Let the movie be announced,shot,completed & marketed.


Barun Sobti bags movie with John Abraham Productions. Latest frenzy on the twitterospehere!

No official print media announcement, but yet third time in a row,lot of nobodies,have commenced the multibrand buttering of anyone remotely connected to said movie. 

Like a rather wise one said....they take people to the top floor with praises and flattery. Should things NOT go as they thought,the very same people will cut the cable and allow them to sink to 2nd or 3rd level basement.

Yahan sapnom  ke Duniya mein se,chann log hi hai 


  1. I just hope he gets third time lucky........ he sure has talent, but unfortunately, what's that got to do with Bollywood, nada, nothing, zilch

    1. Hi Masti Meri Jaan,

      Yes,here's hoping its 3rd time lucky.

      But I will also be brutal and say he has made disastrous choices thus far in terms of which horse to bet on. Like the article said...nothing onscreen,all in cans.

      Here is hoping John will knock some sense into him with regards to managers, PR agency,PHs etc.

      P.S. Of course the Angels will do a darn good job of the PR management,what say?

    2. lol, of course, angels will do a good job, is he ready to handle them? *wink

    3. I think in fear of the Multi-talented and extremely capable Angels,he might choose to be an Australian grocer instead.
