Friday 28 March 2014


Aries is her name
Being a friend is her fame.
Love u girl is my chorus
Aries ko mera bday ka salaam.

I was hoping to write an ode for you, but then decided, simplicity was better.

We met, we clashed, you unfollowed me & out of the blue was that tweet that you had never seen anyone with a more honest opinion than me.

When that olive leaf was extended, I am glad I wasn't in an egoistic mood. I took the compliment with an open heart and in the process,won a very loyal friend.

There wasn't an hour that we wouldn't chat. Reaching late had become a habit. We managed to keep in touch in different ways and everyday,I learnt more about my Sammy.

Thank you for accepting me as I am. Not expecting me to toe any line (you knew,I wouldn't do it 😜😂🙊) nor ever expecting me to follow any clan,clique or fandom.

Thanks for being you. Loyal,understanding, empathetic and awesome to have around.

I miss our daily interactions yet know you are busy. 

Take care,never ever change for anyone and may god shower his blessings on you always.