Friday 4 September 2015


This is yet one more post of mine,written for my favourite show #Reporters


Faith in your writing.
Faith in love.
Faith in acting.
Faith at the time of crisis.
F A I T H.

What a fantastic episode. But for your writing it, this episode wouldn't have had this impact.

Shaken by what I saw.
Shaken by a human bomb.
Shaken in fear.
Shaken by the love KaYa have for each other.
Shaken by a failing battery.
Shaken by no precap and a weekend on the horizon.

Kudos to you most of all. Followed by #SatyamTripathi 's dialogues, Rajeev and Kritika's outstanding acting and last but not the least, Goldie sir's direction.

I don't want to write more and dull the brilliance of this episode.

Episode 101 will remain one of my all time favourite episodes.

Thank you Sammeerji.


  1. Wow Vixxy-- I feel You are in Love with this Show- Now I really Gotta take some time off and watch this Epi and also the Show, If I can!!

    Enjoy it babe!!

    1. Yes babes, irrevocably in love with this show and some episodes will stay with me for life. You know me well enough to know I don't praise most shows this way.

      And start seeeeeeing. Waiting to discuss each and every episode with you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Indeed everyone loves this show so you too and it's clearly visible in this post

    1. Tee Hee Hee. Now there is no doubt in anyone's mind. 😁
