Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Life in The Chronic Pain Lane

Chronic pain.

What exactly is chronic pain?

It is living your life in near constant pain, 24/7, 365 days a year.

There are good days. Good days meaning, the pain is bearable and you can live a semblance of a normal life.

And then there are bad days. Where the 1-10 scale of the pain score, probably reads at a 20/10. When all you can do, is wait the pain out the best one can.

There is an entire category of illness called the invisible illnesses, called thus, because the sufferer may look perfectly normal to the untamed eye, but the person is in excruciating pain and discomfort.

And no, such illnesses aren’t limited to old people. There are plenty of young people, even from their early teens, suffering from such illnesses.

The medicines to treat them, come at huge cost in some cases, and with an entire truckload of side effects.

There is just too much to be written and said about chronic illnesses. If this post even makes you look up the definition and plethora of illnesses in that basket, my aim to educate more people about chronic invisible illnesses would have borne some fruit.

I haven’t written in close to 3 YEARS, so if I sound kinda boring, I do apologise.

Painfully signing off now.